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Atchity, Kenneth. (1986). A Writer’s Time

Ballon, Rachel Friedman. (1994). Blueprint For Writing.  

Card, Orson Scott. (1990). How To Write Science Fiction And Fantasy.  

Carroll, David L. (1995). A Manual Of Writer’s Tricks

Chiarella, Tom. (1998) Writing Dialogue

Clark, C. Hope. (2004) The Shy Writer.

DK Publishing. (2002) Ultimate Visual Dictionary.

Edelstein, Linda. (1999). The Writer’s Guide To Character Traits.

Edelstein, Scott. (1991). 1,818 Ways To Write Better & Get Published.

Edelstein, Scott. (1993). The No-Experience-Necessary Writer’s Course.

Fast, Julius. (1971). Body Language.  

Gerrold, David. (2001). Worlds of Wonder--How To Write Science Fiction And Fantasy.

Goldberg, Natalie. (1986). Writing Down The Bones.

Grenville, Kate. (1991). The Writing Book.

Henderson, Bruce. (1986) How To Bullet-Proof Your Manuscript.

Henry, Laurie. (1999) The Novelist’s Notebook.

Hirsh, Sandra, & Kummerow, Jean. (1989). LIFETypes.

Hood, Ann. (1998) Creating Character Emotions.  

Kent, Jean & Shelton, Candace. (1984). The Romance Writers’ Phrase Book.  

Kernen, Robert. (1999). Building Better Plots

King, Stephen. (2000). On Writing. 

Kipfer, Barbara Ann. (2001). Roget's Thesaurus Of Phrase.  

Kipfer, Barbara Ann. (2000). The Writer's Digest Flip Dictionary.  

Knight, Susanne Marie. (2000, 2006, 2016). The Creative Writing Workbook.

Kress, Nancy. (1998) Dynamic Characters.   

Lamott, Anne. (1994) Bird By Bird.  

McCutcheon, Marc. (1996). Building Believable Characters.

Peck, Robert Newton. (1983). Fiction is Folks.

Phillips, Kathleen C. (1995). How To Write A Story.

Pinckert, Robert C. (1986). Pinckert’s Practical Grammar.  

Prues, Don, and  Heffron, Jack. (2003 ) Writer's Guide To Places.

Ray, Robert J. (1994). The Weekend Novelist.

Rodale, J. I. (1978). The Synonym Finder.

Rosen, Leonard. (1985). The Everyday English Handbook.

Swain, Dwight V. (1965). Techniques Of The Selling Writer.

Vogler, Christopher. (1992). The Writer’s Journey.  

Wiesner, Karen. (2005). First Draft In 30 Days.

Suckerman, Albert. (1994). Writing The Blockbuster Novel.   


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 Copyright  Susanne Marie Knight